The Snow White Variety Show (2019) The real story of Snow White plus the commercials!
Wicked is as Wicked Does (2018) Witches, princesses, princes, dragons, and papa bears all in one place. A truly incredible performance and magnificent lights and scenery from our crew.
Wagon Wheels a Rollin (2017) “Wagon Wheels A-Rollin” , a comedy set in the Old West, had 40 of our students as cast and crew, The performance dates were March 17th and 18th at Washington Hall at Notre Dame. The cast and crew did a fabulous job with acting, props, scene changes, lighting, sound, and all other aspects of play production. A rollicking good time was had by all!
The Princess Plays (2016)
Haphazardly Ever After (2015)
The Fearsome Pirate Frank (2014)
Romeo and Winifred (2013)
Once Upon A High School (2012)
The Tale of Snow White (2011)
Shakespere Goes to Gravel Gulch (2010)
The Aliens Are Coming, The Aliens Are Coming (2009)