

Photo by Barbara Johnston/University of Notre Dame.

Holy Cross School, established in 1929, is one of the oldest Catholic elementary schools in Indiana.  Founded by the Congregation of Holy Cross, the school was built even before the church building was established.  The Holy Cross priests and brothers recognized the importance of a school in their new parish.  Holy Cross School was to be a place where faith could be taught, nurtured, and practiced freely.  For over 85 years Holy Cross School has endured and prospered, standing as a testimony to the faith, hope, and courage of ‘west side’ South Bend immigrants.


News and Announcements


The Class of 1974 enjoyed memories, a tour of the school and original recipe Bun Day sandwiches, all while getting reacquainted.  Photos show the attendees in the gym, a 2007 addition to the school that many had never seen, and classmates on the stage that was very familiar from their days as students at Holy Cross Grade School.  Crusaders still going strong!



Fundraising Made Easy!

Elevate is a fundraising stewardship program that allows you to utilize Notre Dame FCU as your financial institution to direct funds to our school and parish! Find out more here!


Weekly Newsletter

Sep 11th – Weekly Newsletter/Boletín Semanal